How does Goldilocks know what she likes and doesn’t like?
If you were making her a chair, a bed, or a bowl of porridge, how would you figure it out?
How would you convince her to spend the time and resources needed to determine what is “juuust right” for her?
We will use the traditional fairy tale as a jumping-off point for a discussion of testing first, failing fast, Behaviour-Driven Development and other agile practices we use at Consensus Enterprises. Along the way, we will review Behat, …
On Friday, June 14th, I presented this session at Drupal North 2019. That’s the annual gathering of the Drupal community in Ontario and Quebec, in Canada.
As I realized I hadn’t yet posted this information yet, I’m doing so now.
Session information:
Are you (considering) building a SaaS product on Drupal or running a Drupal hosting company? Have you done it already? Come share your experiences and learn from others.
On Friday, October 18th, I presented at DrupalCamp Ottawa 2019. That’s the annual gathering of the Drupal community in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Session information:
Ever heard of infrastructure-as-code? The idea is basically to use tools like Ansible or Terraform to manage the composition and operation of your cloud systems. This allows infrastructure to be treated just like any other software system. The code can be committed into Git which allows auditability, and reproducibility. It …